Friday, February 15, 2019

24 new initiatives aimed at cars, home appliances and 5G for consumption

24 new initiatives aimed at cars, home appliances and 5G for consumption

The National Development and Reform Commission and other 10 departments recently jointly issued the "further optimize supply to promote the steady growth of consumption to promote the formation of a strong domestic market implementation plan (2019)", put forward six aspects of 24 specific measures. What dividends can 24 specific measures release for the consumption of the population?From what areas can companies optimize supply and seize new business opportunities?
"Grasping the supply structure is difficult to meet the rising consumption needs of residents this prominent contradiction, adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, focus on guiding enterprises to adapt to the general trend of consumer upgrading, better meet the people's yearning for a better life, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, and promote steady growth of consumption." "Inspector Liu Yunan, General Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said.
Promoting automobile consumption
Holding commodity consumption "big head"
"The deceleration in car consumption caused a 0.8% per cent growth in total retail sales of social consumer goods, which was a major factor in the decline in consumption growth in 2018. Liu Yunan said that in order to promote the steady growth of consumption, we will be able to stabilize car consumption to hold the "big head" of commodity consumption.
In 2018, China has about 170 vehicles per thousand cars, and there is still a relatively large gap between the levels of major developed countries. "Taking into account the growth rate of the national economy, the process of urbanization, the upgrading of energy-saving environmental protection standards and other multiple factors, the future of the automotive market there is still a certain space for growth." Dong Dajian, deputy director of the Department of Informatization and Software services of MIIT, said that in 2019, China's new energy vehicle production and sales are expected to exceed 1.5 million vehicles, the overall automotive market has remained basically stable.
The implementation plan puts forward 6 concrete measures for automobile consumption. In order to promote the renewal and scrapping of old cars, it is necessary to support the replacement of vehicles with Ⅲ and the following emission standards in the scrapping countries and to provide appropriate subsidies.
In the rural automobile renewal, Liu Yunan said, at present, China's rural residents car ownership is very low, the vast number of rural residents travel a lot or rely on safety standards low three-wheeled cars. Where conditions can be imposed on rural residents to scrap three-wheeled cars, purchase 3.5 tons and below goods vehicles or 1.6 liters and below the displacement of passenger cars, to provide appropriate subsidies to guide the upgrading of rural car consumption.
In the second-hand car, we should further implement the comprehensive elimination of used car restriction policy, the second-hand car distribution enterprises to sell used cars, the implementation of the applicable sales of junk VAT policy. At the same time, the restricted cities are encouraged to optimize the management measures for the restriction of motor vehicles, and conditions can be adopted to better meet the needs of residents ' automobile consumption, such as the target of moderate activation of abandoned car purchases over the years.
"These measures are aimed at promoting automobile consumption, based on the need to guide the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry and meet the needs of consumer upgrading to better combine to further improve the supply and demand matching level of automobile consumption." "Liu Yunan said.
  Drive New Product consumption
Meet the needs of residents ' smart home appliances
Implementation plan put forward "strengthen guidance support, drive new product consumption." What is new product consumption? In Liu Yunan view, new product consumption is the "increment" of high quality consumption. For example: Support Green smart home appliance sales. Where conditions are available, the sale of new green and intelligent household appliance products with long industrial chain, large driving coefficient, energy saving and emission reduction synergy is obvious, and appropriate subsidies are given to consumers.
Drive new product consumption why start from household appliance consumption?
The first is to consider actual needs. Liu Yunan explained that China's household appliance consumption demand is very strong, 2018 household appliance consumption accounted for the quota above the total retail sales of social consumer goods ranked fifth. In total, China is now the world's largest manufacturer and sales of household appliances, in 2017, air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, flat-screen TV sales of about 230 million units, sales close to 800 billion yuan. From the structural point of view, China's green, efficient, intelligent products market share is not high.
"Pulling household appliance consumption is an important gripper to promote commodity consumption. The policy measures proposed by the implementation plan to encourage the consumption of household appliances are also to promote the overall transformation and upgrading of the home appliance industry, and to meet the needs of residents with high quality household electrical appliances better combination. "Liu Yunan said.
The second is the escalation of the inversion industry. The implementation plan specifically proposes to support the sale of green smart home appliances, promote the upgrading of home appliance products Some policy measures, to promote the high-quality development of household appliances and related spare parts industry, the formation of a strong domestic market, while promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, promote the construction of ecological civilization, are of great significance.
"In the light of the national Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance has implemented the ' energy-saving products Huimin project ', the use of financial subsidies and other means to promote energy-efficient intelligent products, the purchase of primary energy efficiency of inverter air conditioning, refrigerators, drum washing machines, flat-screen TVs and other products of consumers to pay appropriate subsidies If the policy is rolled out across the country, 2019 to 2021 is expected to increase the sales of 150 million energy-efficient smart home appliances, driving about 700 billion yuan, the full life cycle of power saving is about 80 Billion-kilowatt. "Liu Yunan said.
Upgrade information consumption
Accelerate 5G commercial Pace
The implementation plan proposes to expand the supply of quality products and services to better meet the demand for high-quality consumption. It mainly includes speeding up the cultivation and construction of international consumption center cities, expanding the consumption of upgraded information, speeding up the consumption of ultra-HD video products, and promoting the sale of outbound tax rebate commodities.
Dong Dajian said that expanding the upgrading of information consumption, first of all, we should speed up the construction of information and communication infrastructure, speed up the pace of 5G commercial. Preliminary calculation, China's 5G commercial in the first five years directly drive the total output of the economy will exceed 10 trillion yuan, the economic value added will exceed 3 trillion yuan, direct new jobs will exceed 3 million.
"At present, the global 5G industry is accelerating development, 5G network equipment has been initially mature, the first half of 2019 is expected to launch 5G terminal chip, 2019 years will be launched smartphone terminal." This year, the ministry will speed up the pace of 5G commerce, Dong Dajian said. According to the maturity of the 5G industry and the application of related basic telecom operators, 5G commercial tests will be organized in several cities, large-scale networking, business application testing, exploration of 5G network construction, business applications and business models of operational experience, to promote business innovation and application, in order to promote the formal commercial foundation of 5G.
The foundation has been consolidated, and the supply capacity of information consumer products and services should also be accelerated. First, we will continue to promote the intelligent upgrading of consumer electronic products, the development of new information products such as virtual reality, wearable devices, intelligent households, and cultivate new growth points of information consumption.Second, we should further promote the "Enterprise on the Cloud" action, speed up the implementation of big Data strategy, promote the development of artificial intelligence innovation, accelerate the enrichment of various types of information service applications, to meet multi-level, personalized consumer demand. Third, continue to increase the reduction of telecommunications fees, promote telecommunications enterprises to introduce more and more favorable characteristics of products, the implementation of accurate policy, to support the real economic development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
MIIT will put in place relevant policies, carry out new information consumption demonstration city construction work, guide all localities to increase investment, build a number of new information consumption demonstration cities, and continuously optimize the development environment of information consumption.
Stimulating urban and rural consumption
Heavy in the filling plate digging potential
Urban consumption accounts for about 85.5% of the total retail sales of consumer goods, is the "big head" of consumption, is related to the fundamentals of regional consumption, to maintain the upward momentum of urban consumption is crucial.
Steady urban consumption, heavy in the short plate. First, to meet the needs of good aging. We should focus on speeding up the transformation of old neighborhoods and elderly families, encouraging the provision of subsidies to domestic elevators, etc., strengthening the construction of urban pension facilities, improving the supply level of old-age services, increasing the supply of land for urban pension services, and planning and constructing a number of pension service institutions for reconstruction and expansion.
Second, to meet the needs of good urbanization. This year to further meet the agricultural transfer of the age-appropriate housing consumption needs, speed up the development of the housing rental market, support the net inflow of the population, high housing prices, large and medium-sized cities with big rental demand multi-channel to raise public rental housing and market rental housing, the collective land construction rental housing as the focus of support content. At the same time, improve supporting policies such as childcare and encourage local governments to increase their support by adopting policy measures such as providing venues and rent relief.
Rural consumption accounts for a small proportion, but the growth rate is faster than the city, the potential is large, the space is large.
"At present, China's rural consumption is also facing some development bottlenecks such as the lack of main body development and the relative backwardness of infrastructure. Wang Bin, deputy director of the Marketing Operations Department of the Ministry of Commerce, said that we will focus on deepening the comprehensive demonstration of e-commerce into the countryside, promoting the two-way flow of industrial goods to the countryside, agricultural products entering the city, organizing e-commerce enterprises to organize "brand consumption, quality consumption into the countryside" activities, and focus
Dong Dajian said it would also increase broadband network coverage in rural and remote areas and achieve 98% of poor village broadband by the end of 2020 to meet the demand for information consumption in vast rural areas, allowing more people to share the dividends of ICT development.

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