Thursday, February 21, 2019

All the blood vessels are raised! These wounded blood vessels do less.

"Jian" knows early.

All the blood vessels are raised! These wounded blood vessels do less.

Editor's note: blood vessels as an important conduit for human nutrition transmission, throughout the body. Once the lesion occurs, it can induce all kinds of diseases, which can even endanger life in severe cases. People's Health network launched the "Jian" knowledge early know column, designed for you to collect the usual neglected health knowledge, do your health think tank, today with you to talk about the topic of vascular conservation.
Bad blood vessels, wounds from head to toe.
head: Influence Cognition. Wu Mingying, chief physician and professor of cardiovascular surgery at Beijing Tongren Hospital, said that modern people because of unhealthy diet and lifestyle, chronic diseases uninvited, the head of the aorta blood vessel wall also quietly produced plaque. Patches grow a little bit, blood pressure is stable, it is relatively safe. If the blood pressure suddenly rises, the plaque will be "stimulated" to fall off, rushing to the small arteries, leading to cerebral infarction. At the same time, blood vessels gradually "aging" with age, individual places will also produce "drum bag" (tiny aneurysm), once ruptured, is cerebral hemorrhage. Brain as the human body's "General Command", if sick, thinking and action will also follow the failure, and even induce cognitive impairment.
Neck: induces stroke. "The carotid artery is a blood channel that flows to the brain, and the inner diameter of the channel is smaller, called carotid artery stenosis, due to a variety of causes. "The most common cause of carotid artery stenosis is carotid arteriosclerosis, which is the case for more than 80% of people clinically," Wu Mingying said. The process of arteriosclerosis is very similar to that of water rust in water pipes: it was initially manifested as a hardened plaque on the wall of the arterial tube, which eventually formed a carotid artery stenosis as the plaque increased a little. Not only that, carotid artery stenosis is also the "culprit" in cerebral ischemia and stroke. On the one hand, narrow carotid artery can cause brain tissue can not obtain enough blood, produce ischemia symptoms, on the other hand, carotid plaque if the growth is uneven, can be broken and produce debris, resulting in stroke.
hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, smoking, alcoholism are high risk factors for carotid artery stenosis, such as frequent dizziness, daze, weakness, daytime thinking, lethargy, sleepless nights and other symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital to do an ultrasound examination of the carotid artery. If the diagnosis is clear, medication or surgical treatment can be performed under the guidance of a doctor.
chest: arterial dissection. the aorta is the total channel through which the heart transports arterial blood to the whole body, and is also the thickest blood vessel in the body. Wu Mingying introduced, aortic vascular wall has internal, medium and outer three layers of membrane, normal conditions they close together, common to bear blood flow pressure. If there is a crack or ulcer in the endometrium, the blood shock will further rip and expand along this "notch", resulting in the separation of three layers of membranes and the formation of aortic dissection. If not treated in a timely manner, the outer membrane will bear blood pressure alone, at any time there will be fatal rupture, arterial blood will flow directly into the thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity and even pericardium, resulting in a short period of blood supply to the brain and viscera, hemorrhagic shock, the patient will die within a few seconds.
"Hypertension is the primary risk factor for aortic dissection," Wu Mingying, who says the instability of blood pressure can easily cause damage to the arterial wall, and almost all patients with aortic dissection in clinical practice have poor control of hypertension. In addition, the elderly with atherosclerosis, vascular calcification plaque, pregnant women and people with a family history of aortic dissection are all at high risk of the disease. If the above population appears "rip Heart" Pain, and long duration, and feel pain extended to the front chest, back and even abdomen, should promptly seek medical attention. At present, CT examination is commonly used in the diagnosis of aortic dissection. Depending on the patient's personal circumstances, the doctor will choose Interventional stent therapy or surgical treatment.
Abdominal: aortic aneurysm. when it comes to vascular disease, the first thing many people think about is stroke and heart disease, but they are new to abdominal aortic aneurysm. In fact, the body's largest aorta, walking up to reach the neck, down can extend to the abdomen. The abdominal aorta continuously transports arterial blood from the heart through its branched blood vessels to the whole body, like trunks and branches. As the aorta expands thinner, the blood vessels are like a balloon that is propped up, eventually forming a aortic aneurysm. Once broken, it can cause a lot of blood loss in the body, leading to sudden death.
Wu Mingying said that the early stage of the disease is almost asymptomatic, but if you feel a tear in the back or abdomen of the waist, knife cut and other swelling pain discomfort, and accompanied by abnormal increase in blood pressure, you should be vigilant. In addition, it is recommended that people over 50 years of age, especially men, have high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases, tobacco age of more than 10 years, there is a history of peripheral aneurysms, as far as possible to do an annual abdominal ultrasound examination.
legs: deep vein thrombosis. "Acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities is a very dangerous venous disease. "In Wu Mingying view, the most typical symptom of deep venous thrombosis is swelling of the lower extremities. Because the blood reflux is not smooth after the deep vein is blocked, the affected side leg will swell up, and there will be tenderness and fever, like being roasted from the outside by a small fire. Asymmetric swelling of the lower extremities can occur if there is no thrombosis on the opposite side, or if the thrombosis is not as severe as the other side. More seriously, if deep venous thrombosis migrates to the lungs, there is a potentially deadly threat of pulmonary embolism, and patients often experience chest pain, choking, dyspnea and other symptoms.
It should be cautioned that bed, prolonged stay and so on are important risk factors for venous thrombosis. Drivers, it workers, teachers, salespeople and so on need to maintain a posture for a long time, the risk is relatively large. If the above high-risk groups appear in the legs, especially the ankle and foot have swelling sensation, pain or tenderness, red legs, leg skin temperature rise, shallow vein dilation and so on, should be timely medical treatment. "detailed"
5 large toxins make blood vessels "long scale"
Poison one: Sticky "fat"
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in the blood, known as "good cholesterol" of high-density lipoprotein to protect the blood vessels, but "bad cholesterol" LDL once excessive, will make the blood thicker, blood vessel wall gradually formed small patches, so that blood vessel channels narrow, blood flow blocked, causing coronary heart disease, stroke secondary cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
1/3 cholesterol in the body is obtained from food, and high cholesterol and overeating, animal foods (meat, animal offal, etc.) have a lot to do with eating too much. As a result, "Shut up" can keep blood vessels refreshing to some extent. In life, we must pay attention to dietary balance, eat more fruits, vegetables and other plant food, more use of vegetable oil, less use of animal oils, more cooking, less frying, more use of fish instead of animal meat and poultry meat, but also to eat a moderate amount of food known as "blood vessel scavenger", such as Hawthorn, oats, soybeans, golden orange, sweet potatoes If the blood lipids cannot be lowered to an ideal level by controlling the diet, medication should be given under the guidance of a doctor.
Poison II: Tobacco Chemicals
When smoking, tobacco nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances, through the alveolar and blood gas exchange into the blood vessels, interfering with the blood metabolism. If the blood vessels are compared to tires, not only the outer tire but also the inner tube, the inner tube covering the inside of the blood vessels is medically known as the "vascular endothelium", which can help the blood vessels maintain elasticity, and nicotine can cause devastating damage to them. It is worth reminding that passive secondhand smoke also has similar damage to blood vessels. Therefore, for their own health and that of their families should take the initiative to quit smoking, the community should also continue to strengthen tobacco control efforts.
Poison Three: Sweet sugar
For diabetic patients, diabetes mellitus and vascular disease is "brothers and sisters", blood sugar control is not good, blood vessels are prone to lesions. Research by Harvard University in the United States found that eating too much sugar in ordinary people can cause elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time, it leads to insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, induces atherosclerosis, promotes thrombosis, and increases the risk of stroke.
Rice, steamed bread and other staple foods after digestion of the human body, starch will be converted into sugar into the blood, if you also eat a lot of sugar, intake of sugar will exceed the standard. Therefore, we should eat less sweets, especially carbonated drinks, ice cream and so on.
Poison Four: disordered hormones
Staying up late has become a living habit of modern people. I do not knowing that staying up late will disrupt the biological clock, so that the body secretes too much adrenaline and norepinephrine, so that vasoconstriction, blood flow slowed down, viscosity increased. Studies have shown that people who stay up late for a long time are at a much higher risk of heart disease than the average person. Therefore, we must take regular rest, every night before 11 o'clock in the evening to sleep, daily guarantee of about 7 hours of sleep time.
Poison Five: All kinds of bacteria in the mouth
Research by Columbia University in the United States found that oral bacteria can induce arteriosclerosis and increase the risk of heart disease. The reason is that the brushing method is not right, too few times let food residue deposited around the teeth, over time to form plaque and tartar, bacteria produced toxins can enter the blood circulation, damage vascular endothelium. The study found that patients with periodontal disease were 2.7 times times more likely to have myocardial infarction than normal people. Therefore, we must not think that brushing things small, must pay attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth every morning and evening, 3 minutes at a time, do not forget to rinse after meals, adults wash their teeth every year. "detailed"
Several bad habits most hurt blood vessels
long-term diet irregular , overeating, concentrated oil red sauce, high oil, high salt, high sugar, meat more than vegetarian, will lead to excessive intake of nutrients, excess lipids will not only deposit on the wall of blood vessels to clog blood vessels, but also increase blood viscosity, easy to cause thrombosis. Therefore, it is recommended to eat the best seven points full, usually eat less barbecue, pickled processed food and fried food, should be less meat and more dishes, to avoid too much fat intake.
long-term smoking can lead to significant atherosclerosis. Cigarettes contain nicotine, carbon monoxide, oxygen free radicals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and butadiene and other harmful substances, they through the alveoli and blood in the exchange of gas, reach the blood vessels, interfere with the blood metabolism, damage vascular elasticity, damage vascular endothelium, leading to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, development and thrombosis.
lack of exercise is a major cause of blockage of blood vessels. Long-term do not exercise, blood vessels inside the "garbage" there is no way to discharge, excess fat, cholesterol, sugar and so on hoarding in the blood, so that the blood becomes thick and dirty, and eventually clog the blood vessels.
staying up late for a long time may pose a risk of myocardial infarction. Staying up late will cause the body to secrete too much adrenaline and norepinephrine, resulting in vasoconstriction, slow blood flow, blood becomes sticky, blood in the garbage and toxins, oxygen free radicals and so on significantly increased. The blood pressure and heart rate regulation of long-term night stays will appear as high load state, and the vasoconstriction and immunomodulatory function will also be abnormal. Those who stay up late may experience a ischemic ischemia of the heart, while the risk of coronary atherosclerosis and plaque instability is greatly increased.
high stress, poor mood , mental stress can also cause blood vessel contraction, accelerate the aging of blood vessels, make blood vessels harden. "detailed"
Blood accumulation-injury of blood vessels
Blood accumulation refers to the condensation of stasis into a product. "The blood in the human body constantly flow circulation, perfusion of the whole body viscera organs, when too much nutrients, blood vessels such as triglycerides will accumulate in large quantities, and even form a ' lipid tide '." At this time, blood viscosity is high, blood flow rate slows down, blood stasis is very close to you. Li Xiaojun said that high oil, high-fat diet, smoking and drinking is the cause of blood stasis. Blood stasis people usually show dark complexion, dark mouth color, tongue dark stasis point or flake stasis spot, sometimes unconsciously will appear skin stasis, women see dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea or menstrual red dark red and even purple and black blood clots. If left uncontrollable, the end result of blood stasis is thrombosis.
Countermeasures: The daily diet should eat more food with the effect of activating blood, such as black rice, eggplant, onion, golden orange, peach kernel, grapefruit, etc., do not eat cold drinks or cold food. In addition, you can also try a medicinal side-37 powder. Mix a spoonful (about 1~2 g) 37 powder in a small amount of milk or water to drink, once a day, there is a smooth qi and blood, activating blood stasis effect. Zhao Yan warned that blood stasis physique of the human cardiovascular function is generally weak, exercise should not be too strong, you can choose to walk, dance, yoga, Ba Duan Jin and so on. "detailed"
Do not eat breakfast hurt cerebrovascular
Do not eat breakfast, in the morning will appear hypoglycemia reaction, such as the performance of dizziness, fatigue, sweating, hunger and so on, so that work, learning efficiency decline, long-term do not eat breakfast will also make cholesterol, lipoprotein deposited in the inner wall of blood vessels, causing vascular sclerosis.
The ideal model for a reasonable nutritious breakfast is the staple food (rice, noodles, miscellaneous grains) + foods containing high quality protein (eggs, milk, meat, soy products) + vegetables + oils.
Breakfast can be combined in the following combinations: 1. Buns + porridge + eggs. Bun stuffing can be meat and vegetables, but also eggs and vegetables, porridge can be cereals porridge, cornmeal porridge, oatmeal, rice porridge. 2. Bread + jam + milk + nuts. Bread can be exchanged for hamburgers, and jam can be exchanged for sesame sauce. 3. Cake + porridge + vegetables + eggs. Cake can also be replaced with steamed bread, flower roll, bean bag and so on, vegetables are prepared according to individual tastes, it is recommended not to be too complex to cook. 4. Bean Curd Brain + burrito + mixed small dish or soy milk + breakfast bag + mixed small dish, both simple and not lose nutrition. "detailed"
Two cloves of garlic a day to raise blood vessels.
Wang Xin, chief physician of cardiovascular Department of Xiyuan Hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that Chinese medicine believes that garlic is Xin, warm, liver, Heart Sutra, it contains garlic known as the scavenger of blood vessels. Whether it is a patient with high blood pressure, diabetes, or the general population, eating two cloves of garlic a day has the effect of auxiliary antihypertensive, dilated blood vessels, lowering sugar, and even resisting tumors.
Add garlic to fresh vegetables and seafood, as well as the cold nature of vegetables and seafood. If you like porridge, you can cook some garlic porridge. Take garlic 30 grams, peel, first put in boiling water to cook for 1 minutes after fishing, and then 100 grams of Japonica rice into the water to boil into porridge, quickly cooked garlic back into porridge cooked, add salt seasoning can be. It should be noted that there is mouth bitter pharynx, tongue sores, upset chest tightness, stool closure and other fire symptoms as far as possible to eat less or temporarily do not eat. Stomach disease patients should not eat garlic. "detailed"
Blood vessels in food, "scavengers."
Glucose stabilizer: pu ' er tea
Pu ' er tea has mild character, relatively small stimulation of spleen and stomach, and contains many wholesome ingredients such as tea polyphenols. The study found that Pu ' er tea has a significant inhibitory effect on diabetic related enzymes, helping to stabilize blood sugar. Pu ' er tea is recommended to drink between meals, brewing with 100 ℃ of boiling water. Drinking pu ' er tea is best washed first, because most pu ' er tea is consumed after years or even years, easy to deposit dust, "tea washing" can achieve the purpose of "Polyester Dust moisturizing Tea".
Lipid regulator: oats
Oats are rich in beta dextran and dietary fiber, can inhibit the body's absorption of cholesterol, to regulate blood lipids have a good effect. Moreover, oats can bring a strong sense of fullness, so that people are not hungry for a long time. It is recommended to choose the most "simple" oats, that is, large areas, whole grains, not fine, and do not add any sugar, creamer and other ingredients of oats. Can be used for its porridge, and then add some nuts, nutrition and delicious.
blood pressure control agent: Celery
Celery is rich in potassium and celery, which is conducive to controlling blood pressure. Drinking celery juice properly does help lower blood pressure, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, hypertension. Cooking celery is less oil and less salt, otherwise it will weaken the antihypertensive effect of celery. Celery can be boiled the water after the cold, or directly used to squeeze the juice to drink.
Blood circulation catalyst: Black bean
Black beans are rich in anthocyanins, can remove free radicals in the body, lower cholesterol, promote blood circulation. In addition, anthocyanins also have the effect of eye protection. Anthocyanins are more stable under acidic conditions, and vinegar bubbles are beneficial to the absorption of nutrients in black beans. Bubble before the need to fry black beans, cool after pouring into the vinegar so that it has not passed black beans, but need to set aside about 1/3 of the space, so as not to expand the black bean overflow. After the cover is soaked, when the black Bean is completely inflated, it can be eaten. Black beans can also be used to hit soy milk or soup.
Blood purifier: Kelp
Kelp is not only high iodine containing food, but also rich in dietary fiber and colloid, in which the colloidal composition can be combined with harmful substances in the blood, such as heavy metals, with detoxification, purification of blood role. Can be directly after the kelp bubble hair, made into cold kelp silk. However, because the kelp is cool, it is recommended that people with cold body, weak physique can eat some kelp stewed tofu, high temperature heating energy and kelp cool.
Thrombotic dissolving agent: Natto
Natto is a soybean product made by soybean fermentation through natto bacteria, and the study confirmed that nattokinase in Natto can "dissolve" thrombosis and prevent myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other diseases. In addition, Natto is also rich in soybean isoflavones, zinc, calcium and vitamin K, can supplement estrogen, improve menopausal symptoms, but also prevent osteoporosis. In order to maintain the activity of natto kinase and other components, natto can not be heated to eat, must be cold state, fresh consumption. In addition, in order to maintain its cardiovascular health characteristics, it is not possible to add a lot of grease to it, nor is it recommended to eat with a large number of animal foods. "detailed"
Five points to conserve blood vessels
First of all, shut up, eat less "four high" food, that is, high sugar, high oil, high fat, high salt, these foods easily lead to cholesterol and so on attached to the wall of blood vessels, resulting in arteriosclerosis, resulting in blood vessels are not smooth.
Second, don't stay up late . Long stay up late, the body hormone secretion cycle disorder, increase the tension of the cardio-cerebrovascular system.
Again, refuse to smoke and second-hand smoke . Harmful substances in tobacco are easy to induce coronary spasm and atherosclerosis, resulting in thrombosis.
IV, do more aerobic exercise . Swimming, dancing, cycling, yoga, playing Tai Chi and so on are good choices, even the simplest walking, perseverance will make the elasticity of blood vessels enhance.
Finally, keep a good mood . Many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are related to excessive mood swings.Want blood vessels healthy, peaceful mentality is essential. "detailed"

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