Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The final fate of black hole: Big Bang

In the assumption that the black hole is increasing, the life of a black hole will never stop. But a warning stop was made by the same Hocking, who compared black holes to a constantly inflated balloon. In 1976, Hocking published in the journal Nature that black holes would evaporate until they finally explode.
Today, this theory has been widely recognized. It is thought that it is possible to see that the last flicker of a black hole is the Y ray emitted from the final explosion of a black hole observed in high-energy electromagnetic waves.
Black holes are always greedy, and the end of them is simply devouring something that can not be digested: a particle with negative energy. The particles with negative energy come from the energy layer with the particles that provide positive energy, but those particles that provide positive energy are pushed outside the black hole, while the black holes swallow the particles with negative energy, so they have to make up their debts by consuming the cost of their own energy. As a result, the mass of the black hole decreases, and a continuous evaporation process begins. As the black hole gets smaller and hotter, its energy dissipated in space. Finally, the old predator exploded and disappeared.
The size of the black hole is different and the degree of evaporation is different.
Now let's move on to the topic of not talking about black holes produced by collapsing stars.Scientists believe that the universe was created immediately after the big bang, and at that time there were many tiny black holes: they were sized like a proton but weighed hundreds of millions of tons. The massive black hole with high temperature is the ideal place for evaporation.
Now, most of these micro black holes have disappeared, but some other explosions are taking place. According to astrophysicists, it is possible to take advantage of a tiny black hole evaporating instead of our sun. The mass of the micro black hole is 1 / 1000 of the moon's mass, but its diameter is only 0.0005 millimeters.

The temperature of such a miniature black hole is thousands of degrees, close to the surface temperature of the sun, and the energy of continuous radiation can last for 10 years. If compared with the known age of the universe for 15 billion years, the time is long enough. If compared with the life span of the sun for 10 billion years, it can be said to be a permanent energy source.

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