Thursday, February 21, 2019

Eat more fish and get sick less when you retire.

Eat more fish and get sick less when you retire.

"Eating fish one or two times a week is good for your health" has become the consensus of nutrition experts in various countries. In recent days, the British Medical Journal published a new study saying that people of retirement age who eat more fish can reduce their illness by 1/4.
Dr. Heddy Rai, a researcher at Tufts University in the United States, and his team conducted a 22-year follow-up study of 2,622 adult participants with an average age of 74. During the study period, 89% of the elderly were often visited by the hospital because of illness, and only 11% said that they were physically and mentally healthy and rarely went to the hospital. The researchers further analyzed the lifestyle of the participants and found that elderly people who liked deep-sea fat fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines had above-average levels of central Omega 3 fatty acids, which made participants at risk of diseases closely related to aging, such as dementia, heart disease and cancer, about 24% lower than their peers.
Dr Lai's analysis points out that as the aging population accelerates, the number of elderly people is increasing and chronic diseases are increasing. The new study, focusing on "healthy aging," further confirms that older people often have a lot of good to eat fish because omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids help regulate blood pressure, heart rate, control inflammation, both to improve heart and brain health, but also to enhance vision, to high quality of life and longevity play an important role. 

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