Thursday, February 21, 2019

Milk, bananas, tea ... Can't they really eat and drink on an empty stomach?

Fasting can not drink milk, fasting should not eat bananas ...There is always a lot to say about fasting. Are these claims right? Let's analyze them all.

Drink milk on an empty stomach and waste nourishment? Nonsense!
Does drinking milk on an empty stomach cause a waste of nutrition? Milk does contain water, the proportion is not low. But milk also contains a lot of nutrients, such as protein, drink in whether or not fasting, need digestion and absorption, how can drink like water to wear the intestine through it? But the reason why drinking milk on an empty stomach is not very recommended is that drinking milk on an empty stomach is easy to aggravate the symptoms of lactose intolerance. It is recommended to go with breakfast or other foods, the rate of gastric emptying is really slower than fasting, nutrient absorption will be more, and other foods and milk combined with a more balanced nutrition.
Eating bananas on an empty stomach is easy to cardiac arrest? Eating too much will!
This statement is not empty, the source of banana potassium content is rich, potassium intake is too much, at the same time there are kidney disease, potassium excretion disorder, there will be hyperkalemia, acute occurrence is an emergency, may lead to cardiac arrest. Should not be separated from the dosage to talk about the results, if you really want to eat bananas can eat hyperkalemia, you have to eat a few kilos. If you want to eat bananas in the morning, don't grapple with fasting.
However, it should be noted that citrus fruits and Hawthorn do not recommend eating on an empty stomach, organic acid content is relatively high, easy to cause excessive gastric acid secretion, there is tannic acid content is relatively high fruit does not recommend fasting such as Persimmon, black jujube and so on.
Drinking tea on an empty stomach hurts your stomach? It's possible!
Tea, especially green tea, tea polyphenols, coffee alkali and other content is very high, if drinking on an empty stomach, some active substances will be combined with the protein in the stomach, to form irritation to the stomach, easy to hurt the stomach, but also more prone to panic, dizziness and other "drunken tea" phenomenon. Especially for people who don't already have a good gastrointestinal function, don't drink green tea. In addition, drinking tea on an empty stomach can also dilute the digestive fluid, which may affect digestion. (Capital Health and Nutrition Food Society director Qian Dodo)

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