Friday, February 15, 2019

The Spring Festival is over, you put on a few pounds to lose weight? Please bypass seven trap

Bypass weight seven trap
Lose a large part of the reasons for the success of life, is that there are too many traps to lose weight. The wrong approach not only lose weight, but may cause malnutrition, osteoporosis, anemia, anorexia and hepatorenal damage etc.. The purpose of weight loss is to make themselves more healthy, do not be at the cost of damage to health. So, there are some of the common pitfalls to lose weight, how should we avoid?
A trap: if you want to lose weight fast, you have to eat less.
Some people almost every day in order to lose weight, do not eat the staple food, also eat little meat and milk. As a result, energy intake is too small, can lead to malnutrition.
The body needs to eat to supplement the energy, the energy intake should be suitable for the need of human body, can not reduce. Usually, men and women Gender different physical labor, light, medium and heavy degree different, need energy is different.The "proposal" 2011 consensus China adult obesity prevention experts, the daily dietary intake of 600 thousand or fewer cards, reduced by 15% to 30% of the calories in the diet habits on the basis of which can reach 0.5 kg to lose weight per week. Diet should be individualized, because even the same calories but dietary protein and different carbohydrate and fat ratio for weight loss is different.
Trap two: do not eat the staple food to lose weight.
Our daily necessary energy, the main source of carbohydrates, also known as sugar. One of the most common form of carbohydrate is starch, mainly from staple food. Eating too much sugar, fat, but if the lack of sugar in the diet, will cause malnutrition, hypoglycemia and even cause permanent damage to the brain and liver. Therefore, adequate intake of carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates, such as yam, taro, grains, but also provide dietary fiber supplement calories, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the health.
Trap three: eat fruits and vegetables instead of meat.
You know, every kind of food to provide nutrition is different, therefore, we every day want to eat cereal, meat and milk products, vegetables and fruits, nuts, beans and oil and other four categories of food, "Chinese 2016 dietary guidelines" is proposed, the average daily intake of more than 12 kinds of food, every week 25 above, in order to ensure the balanced nutrition. And eat a kind of food, easy to cause nutritional imbalance, health effects. So when on a diet, or to ensure the intake of foods, only to intake redistribution.
Trap 4: eat more fiber, the more the better.
Dietary fiber mainly exists in the valley, potato, beans, vegetables and fruits, can increase satiety, reduce consumption, reduce blood fat, prevent gallstones, cardiovascular disease, improve the role of the intestinal microflora. Generally speaking, fiber adults daily intake of about 30 grams.
Many people think that eating more dietary fiber food is good for weight loss, the more the better, this is actually a misunderstanding.Dietary fiber is a "double-edged sword", if not control excessive supplement, may cause many problems: a large number of fibers, may cause diabetic patients with gastrointestinal "overwhelmed", suffering from gastroenteritis; add a large number of fibers, may affect calcium, iron and zinc absorption, leading to iron deficiency anemia osteoporosis; add a large number of fibers, may reduce the protein digestion and absorption, causing malnutrition; add a large number of fibers, may induce hypoglycemia. According to the new version of "Chinese dietary guidelines", the daily staple, nearly half of the potato and coarse cereals, vegetables every day 6 two to 1 pounds, accounting for about half of dark vegetables.
Trap five: think fruit juice is a healthy food, often drink.
Although the juice is rich in vitamins, but less fruits contain dietary fiber and other nutrients, therefore, not only high energy, satiety is poor, prone to excessive. Suggested that people should still try to eat fresh fruit juice drink. The best drink is always white boiling water or mineral water, drink 1500-2000 ml per day, if the large amount of exercise, sweating and weight. The tea and sugar free fruit tea is also a good choice, black coffee no sugar and Black Tea contain almost no energy, can be excited nerve, increase energy consumption. But note that drinking coffee and tea stimulate the stomach when fasting, depending on physical and.
Trap six: reducing the sooner the better.
Some ways to lose weight, says a month can lose more than 10 pounds, which is not scientific in nutrition. The case does not affect the health, every week to reduce the weight of 1 pounds to 2 pounds a month, minus 3 to 4 kg is more scientific.
Trap seven: eat more, never mind, try out finished.
Some people can't shut up at dinner, and after regret, with extreme methods, such as the use of vomiting, eating laxatives and other ways to remedy. In fact, this will not only bring great harm to the body, it will cause psychological pressure, if things go on like this, it will cause physical and mental disorders like anorexia, constipation, do not care for this and lose that. [details]
How to lose weight is more scientific
To lose weight, many people have to struggle for a long time, diet, aerobics, running, some people also eat a lot of diet pills.However, even if most of the time to lose a few pounds, over time, also easy to rebound, and even Yuejianyuefei. In fact, this is likely to be the wrong way to lose weight.
1, what kind of people should lose weight
In life, you will find that there are many day clamoring to lose weight or lose weight, actually not fat, but some people really should lose weight did not care. So, how do you determine if you need to lose weight?
In fact, whether the body is standard by BMI or obesity, body mass index (BMI): the judge is equal to the weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m). The health index is 18~24, if less than 18, is slim, but higher than the 24, you can consider to lose weight.
In addition, also found in clinical, a lot of people to lose weight by not eating dinner, this way is not only difficult to maintain, but also damage the health. Also, if you continue to eat dinner after the day, weight will rebound, even more fat than before. Not only that, do not eat dinner, insufficient supply of nutrients, protein supply decreased muscle mass will decrease. In the same weight, body weight, body fat rate will be higher than before. Therefore, weight loss must tell science.
2, obesity can be divided into 4 types
In the diet before, must first figure out their own kind of obesity.In general, obese people from the body can be divided into upper body obesity, body fat and body fat. Upper body obesity is mainly lack of exercise, and obesity is mainly affected by genetic factors, and body fat is the main diet leads to.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity is due to the strength of the weak, Yin Xie Sheng, spleen and kidney dysfunction caused by Yin deficiency, is a symptom of. The gas is empty, people are fat, deficiency of Qi fat, a main reason for the gas shortage, it is also based on this, can be divided into 4 types of obesity:
Qi deficiency and obesity. The yellow complexion, dizziness, fatigue, cold sweat.
Yang fat. Tired, cold, cold limbs, pale lips, like drinking hot food, jingshenbuzhen.
Phlegm dampness. Facial skin fat, abdominal obesity, drowsiness, phlegm, eat sweets.
Hot fat. A dirty face shiny, acne, often feel pain, irritability, dry mouth.
3, differentiation diet
Discern what kind of obesity, can be symptomatic diet.
Qi deficiency and obesity "Nemesis" is to regulate Astragalus, spleen qi, eat rice, beef, chicken, jujube, eat raw, cold, bitter and cold food.
Yang fat "Nemesis" is cinnamon, conditioning and tonifying the spleen and kidney to warm, eat cinnamon, ginger, mutton, peach kernel, and eat cold.
Phlegm dampness is the "killer" conditioning to Adlay, spleen dampness, removing phlegm, eat white radish, seaweed, beans, lentils, onions, cabbage, and alcohol, avoid sweets.
Hot fat "Nemesis" is mainly to cassia, conditioning heat and dampness, suitable for eating mung bean, cucumber, lotus root, coix seed, fried and spicy food.
4, must pay attention to the gradual movement
In addition to adjust the diet, exercise is essential to the process of weight loss. Different types of obesity need to adopt different ways of movement in order to achieve the best slimming effect in health under the premise.
Needs to be emphasized is that these types of qi deficiency, Yang deficiency, phlegm damp, obesity, exercise should pay attention to the gradual.
Qi deficiency and obesity not to do strenuous high-intensity exercise, suitable for fast walking.
Yang deficiency and phlegm dampness obesity can choose small exercise intensity, gentle movements can slow, jogging, rope skipping, shuttlecock, dance.
High strength, obesity can damp vigorous exercise, such as running, swimming, climbing etc.. [details]
Why do some people eat are not fat? The original genes related to
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on 24 May 1, 14000 different weight participants DNA Cambridge University scientists, by analyzing the gene differences that have a great relationship with the fat gene. Future research will further identify such genes, is expected to help overweight.
Cambridge University scientists have discovered a set of genes, can accelerate the The new supersedes the old. to help people burn fat faster. This group of healthy people were found in 1600 gene in more than slim. The research team, 40% slim says it can eat haphazardly, weight is not affected. If further study of specific genes alone slim, may lead to new drugs have thinner effect, to help overweight people lose weight.
This is a thin population genetic studies of the largest ever. The researchers recruited healthy British GP clinics (from most of the more than 40 years old). These people need to exclude naturally slim, exercise 3 times a week or more people. The scientists extracted saliva samples, 1622 participants gene sorting, and with more than 10 thousand normal weight and nearly 2000 severely obese compared. The study found that the 4 new genes associated with thin regions, and the other two have been confirmed in the Asian region of the gene found. The study published in the public library of science "Genetics" on the conclusion: 18% slim is determined by DNA.
The researchers considered the biological gene pool in the UK slim and obese gene DNA to confirm the importance of obesity. The king of London School of nutrition and dietetics Honorary Professor Tom Sanders said, this is an important part of research, confirmed the genes related to obesity, those very slim man gene is different from the common people. However, most of the causes of obesity and obesity related environment, sedentary lifestyle and high calorie food intake. [details]
Influence of the three generation of obesity
As we all know, stay in shape not only to the United States, it is for the sake of health. Recently, a new Swedish study warns that the fat is no longer "own thing", because from before puberty, epigenetic factors have dominated the fate of two generations of the future.
Researchers at Stockholm University in Sweden by the Swedish national database has traced the participants before puberty (9~12 years old boy, girl 8~10 years) the food intake, body mass index and health index of their descendants, including "all-cause mortality" and "diabetes mortality" cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer mortality. ". The statistical results showed that the grandfather in the period 9~12 years excessive caloric intake, body mass index exceed the standard, grandson of all-cause mortality than 9~12 when the descendants of those medium-sized high above 50%.
Experts pointed out that many of the young workers do not pay attention to exercise and eat junk food, that after the age of 35 also had time to lose weight. In fact, only a "midlife belly sense of crisis might have been late, new research conclusion emphasizes the importance of keeping fit during adolescence. [details]

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